Navigating Relocation in Retirement: Tips for Your Big Move

Retirement often brings the opportunity for a fresh start, which may include moving to a new home. However, relocating later in life requires careful planning, especially if you need to consider mobility issues. To help you get started, here are some essential tips to make your relocation smoother and stress-free. Plan for Your Future Needs…

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Making Your Home Accessible In Your Later Years

As we age, our physical abilities can change and even if you are an active senior, sometimes it is nice to make things as easy and accessible as possible. Ensuring your home is accessible can greatly enhance your quality of life and help you remain independent. Join Alfix as we take a look at some…

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How To Stay Connected With Younger Family Members As You Age

Staying connected with family members, friends and loved ones in your senior years is a great way to maintain your health and wellbeing. Spending quality time with those you love can allow you to get out the house more often, ensuring that you’re remaining social and active as you progress through life. Though it is…

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Exploring Volunteering Opportunities During Your Retirement 

When you enter retirement, it can feel like there’s something missing in your life. Whilst many individuals find retirement easy to navigate and enjoy getting to make the most of their free time, others may feel like they have more time than they know what to do with and find themselves lacking a sense of…

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