Are Reconditioned Stairlifts as Safe as Brand New Ones?

If you are on the market for a stairlift to install in your home, then you may have come across some reclaimed stairlifts. Whilst their price tag likely takes your fancy, you may be hesitant and wonder ‘are these as safe as brand new stairlifts?’ Well, to answer your question – they most certainly are!…

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Top Tips for Returning to Sport After Suffering an Injury

Suffering from an injury in the sport you love can feel like a huge setback, both mentally and physically. However, injuries in sports are common and it is about learning how to brush yourself off and bounce back that is the key to success. Here are our top tips for returning to sport after suffering…

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Taking Care of Your Mental Health in Later Life

Mental health is thankfully a topic that is discussed much more openly now than it was in the past, and we have become more equipped to manage and treat the symptoms of various mental health conditions. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, it’s important that we continue to raise awareness for the…

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How to Incorporate Your Stairlift Into Your Home Decor

For many of us, our homes are an expression of who we are. People will put substantial time and effort into decorating their house in order to make it look exactly how they want it, because they feel it reflects their personality for both themselves and for guests to see. And so, when it comes…

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A Simple Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Your Stairlift

Stairlifts are designed to make moving around your home much easier. They soon become part of your home’s furniture and a step in your everyday routine. Just like with your home’s sofas and chairs, your stairlift will need to be cleaned regularly to remain in the best condition possible. Here is a simple guide to…

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5 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Stairlifts

Stairlifts are used every day all across the world and have a surprisingly long and interesting history. These life-changing devices can improve the quality of life of people suffering from mobility issues, but how many people can call themselves stairlift experts? Here are 5 surprising things you didn’t know about stairlifts. 1.   Henry VIII had…

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4 Things You Might Not Have Known About Stairlifts

Stairlifts have become a big part of everyday life for the elderly and those with mobility issues, but these days they tend to fade into the background. The stairlift’s contemporary design means that they are quieter and more discreet than ever before, but let us not forget about the importance of stairlifts. Here are some…

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