4 Top Tips for Seniors Recovering from an Operation

When you reach your senior years, undergoing surgery isn’t that uncommon. Whether you require a hip replacement or undergo an operation for a broken limb after experiencing a fall, if there’s ever a time to get over a fear of hospitals, it’s when you’re elderly! 

If you have a planned operation, then read on as we offer four of our top tips for ensuring a smooth recovery. 

1| Keep a Healthy Diet 

Whilst you may be under instruction to follow specific dietary restrictions post-operation, this typically isn’t the case. With that said, it’s still important to stick to a healthy, balanced diet if you’ve recently undergone surgery. 

By eating foods rich in protein, fruits and vegetables, you’ll be fueling your body with the essential nutrients that it needs to recover efficiently. On the same thread, remember to stay hydrated with plenty of fluids, ideally water (avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages). 

Meal times are also a great time to take any prescribed medication, ensuring you maintain a routine dosage. Of course, always stick to the guidance of your health professional when taking medication. 

2| Gentle Exercise 

Depending on the type of operation you had, trying to carry out gentle exercise where possible is recommended during your recovery. As tempting as it may be to stay sat down throughout your recovery, this can actually slow down the process. 

By taking short walks, either around your house, garden or around the block, you will keep your body strong and encourage blood flow throughout your body, both of which can help the recovery process. Alternatively, your care provider may recommend physical therapy that may help, which is especially helpful if you’ve had surgery on your legs or feet. 

With that said, remember to still rest. It’s important that you take it easy and not overdo it, else you may injure yourself further and slow down your recovery. 

3| Be Patient 

Recovering from surgery can be a frustrating time, especially considering that you will be having to take it easy and unable to do the tasks you typically would do each day. Despite this, it’s vital that you stay patient throughout. 

Remember, it’s normal to start feeling better then have a setback. Find yourself tasks and/or activities to keep you occupied and your mind stimulated, such as completing crosswords, reading a book or even learning a new language. 

4| Don’t be Ashamed of Help 

Recovery from a surgery can be challenging, especially as a senior. As such, you shouldn’t be ashamed to ask for help from friends and family when you need it, nor should you be ashamed of utilising any form of assistance that may benefit you during this time – such as a temporary stairlift. 

Depending on where you had surgery, it may be difficult or unsafe for you to use the stairs in your home, so considering a stairlift rental could be incredibly beneficial to you throughout your recovery. This will offer you a safe and convenient way to use both levels of your home, allowing you to keep your independence and feel less anxious about asking for help from people in other ways. 

Whether you require a straight or curved stairlift, get in touch with us here at Alfix to arrange your stairlift installation in Coventry. Email us at mail@alfixstairlifts.com or call us on 01926 334848