Top Tips for Returning to Sport After Suffering an Injury

Suffering from an injury in the sport you love can feel like a huge setback, both mentally and physically.

However, injuries in sports are common and it is about learning how to brush yourself off and bounce back that is the key to success.

Here are our top tips for returning to sport after suffering an injury.

Don’t rush back into exercising

Rest is key to recovery and rushing your recovery time can be extremely counterproductive.

While you might be itching to get back into the sport you love, rushing your recovery time can do irreparable damage to your body.

It is important that you take the time to rest so that your body is fully recovered before you get back into exercise.

You can gradually begin exercising again under your physiotherapists’ advice when you are further along in your recovery journey, but for now, focus on recovering, relaxing and letting your body get the rest that it needs.

To allow your body to fully recover, consider hiring a stairlift for your home. This will allow you to continue your daily activities without putting any stress on your body.

Start slow

While you might be the fastest runner in your running group or the star of your football team, it is wise to forget your ego and start slow.

A good guideline is to start at about 50% of your “normal” level and increase only 10% to 15% each week – assuming your symptoms don’t flare up during or after each session.

For example, if you used to run 5 miles, you might walk 2.5 miles and add a little more distance each week as you progress to jogging and then running.

This will allow you to gradually ease back into the sport and get you back to where you were before.

Listen to your body

After you have been advised to exercise again, it is important to listen to your body. While you are most likely eager to get back into your sport, you must still be wary of your injury.

A little discomfort is OK. A lot is not. If you feel a slight pain while exercising, pushing past it can help you make gains. But you should never be in agony, and you should feel better soon after you stop moving.

If you suffer pain after getting back into exercise, the best thing you can do is to rest again. When you next exercise, lower your intense level so that you feel good during and after your workout.

Alfix: Stairlift rental in Bromsgrove

When recovering from a sports injury, it is important to rest. Hire a stairlift in Aylesbury to allow you to move freely around your home while taking all of the stress off of your body.

At Alfix, we offer stairlift hire in Aylesbury and beyond.

Get in touch with a member of our friendly team here today at or call us on 01926 334848 for more information on our services.