Straight vs Curved Stairlifts: Everything You Need To Know

If you or a family member is thinking about having a stairlift installed in their home, there are some things to think about before you go ahead with installation. Curved and straight stairlifts are the most common options you will find, so we’ve broken down everything you need to know about curved and straight stairlifts. To find out more, keep on reading!

Straight Stairlifts

Straight stairlifts will probably be your best option if your stairs have no bends or turns. You will likely need a landing at the top of your stairs, or a safe space where you can get on or off of the stairlift.

Depending on the user’s mobility and ability to get on and off of the stairlift, you will need to consider the safest option for them to use the stairlift. Many straight stairlifts will come with a swivel seat so that getting on and off the stairlift becomes easier and less dangerous.

If you decide that a straight stairlift is what you’re looking for, you can contact the team here at Alfix, and they can advise you on the best option for you or your loved one’s home.

Curved Stairlifts

Curved stairlifts are recommended when a staircase has a turn, bend or is a more awkward shape. This is so that the stairlift can work effectively on a more unconventional shaped staircase. If you have any of these features, you may need to consider a curved stairlift:

  • Spiral staircase
  • Awkward shapes
  • Have a half landing

Curved stairlifts can be catered to narrow or wide staircases and other requirements you may need. If the staircase is an unconventional design, then your curved stairlift will need to be accurately measured so that the rail can be custom made to fit the staircase correctly.

The Right Stairlift For You

When it comes to finding the right stairlift, or if you are still feeling unsure about your decision, getting in contact with different installers can help you find what you’re looking for. They will be able to help you make an informed decision and some installers will give you a free quote to help you get a gauge for price too.


Here at Alfix, we provide and install stairlifts across various locations in the UK. Whether it’s a stairlift repair in Coventry, stairlift rentals in Leamington or a stairlift installation in Cheltenham, we’ve got you covered.

For further enquiries about our services, feel free to contact us for more information by emailing Our team will be happy to speak to you and help you find what you’re looking for.