Exploring Volunteering Opportunities During Your Retirement 

When you enter retirement, it can feel like there’s something missing in your life. Whilst many individuals find retirement easy to navigate and enjoy getting to make the most of their free time, others may feel like they have more time than they know what to do with and find themselves lacking a sense of…

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The Pets Best Suited for People With Limited Mobility

Pets can be wonderful antidotes for loneliness for many people, making them worth considering for all kinds of households. Read on to discover just some of the best pets that can be beneficial for those with limited mobility. Dogs Man’s best friend for a reason, dogs can be excellent companions for everyone and anyone. Dogs…

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Summer Days Out in Accessible Places Across the UK

The summer months are finally here, ready to be enjoyed. Unfortunately exploring spaces with limited mobility can sometimes be challenging, with some attractions lacking the modifications needed to make a space accessible. In this article from Alfix, you can discover some of our favourite accessible places to explore in the UK, from Gloucester and beyond.…

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Creating A Safe And Comfortable Home For Elderly Loved Ones

As our loved ones grow into older age, it’s important to keep them comfortable, especially in their later years. With reduced mobility and other challenges that they may be facing, ensuring that they are safe at home is vital for their well-being. Our blog looks at some of the ways you can improve home comfort…

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Affordable & Practical Mobility Solutions In Oxford

Choosing the right stairlift option for your home can be a tricky decision. If you or a loved one has decided to have a stairlift installed, you may be considering some of the more cost effective options available. While buying a brand new stairlift can be a good choice, if you’re looking for a temporary…

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Enhance Mobility: Benefits Of Home Stair Lifts In Leamington

Growing older can lead to many challenges, with some of those difficulties being physical. Mobility naturally decreases as we age, which can make basic tasks and activities trickier than before. Many elderly individuals experience difficulty getting up and down the stairs in later life, and our blog is here to explore a viable solution. Stairlifts…

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Why Choose Alfix for Your Stairlift Installation?

If you’re looking for reliable stairlift solutions, then we can deliver them here at Alfix. But why should you choose our service over others? From the range of solutions we offer to our first-class service and the variety of locations we serve, keep reading to learn more about why we should be your stairlift company…

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Stairlift Battery Care: What You Need to Know

Maintaining the battery of your stairlift is crucial for its longevity and performance. At Alfix, we understand the importance of a reliable stairlift, especially for those relying on it for daily mobility. Here’s what you need to know about stairlift battery care to ensure your lift remains in top condition. Understanding Your Stairlift Battery Stairlifts,…

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Finding Independence After Losing a Life-Long Companion

Losing a partner doesn’t get any easier with age, especially when you’ve been companions for many many years. Not only is this an understandably difficult and upsetting time to navigate, but it can feel incredibly lonely and isolating. There are, however, things you can do to find your independence again. Read our tips below. Allow…

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Common Faults on a Stairlift and How They Can be Fixed

As convenient and useful a solution as stairlifts can be, as with everything power-operated, they can sometimes experience faults. It’s helpful to know what some of these troubleshooting issues may be and how to identify them, as well as what can be done to fix them. Read on below as we discuss what these are…

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