How to Avoid Slips, Trips & Falls at Home

Accidents can happen at home, and while they may have little to no impact on those with strong mobility, for more vulnerable people they can be fatal. An easy way of reducing your chances of a slip, trip or fall is by improving the safety of your home.

Here are some top tips to help you reduce your risk of an accident.

Keep your home tidy

One of the best ways of keeping your home safe is to avoid piles of rubbish and clutter. If you find housekeeping difficult to keep on top of, ask family and friends if they can help. It’s best to tidy little and often so it doesn’t build up. Ensure that items are not left in doorways and clean spillages as soon as they happen.

Improve your lighting

It may seem obvious, yet poor lighting is still one of the most common causes of accidents at home. As you get older your eyesight may not be as clear as it once was, so ensuring that your light fixtures are up to standard is key. This is also important when moving around your home at night, for example, using the bathroom or going to bed.

Invest in mobility aids

Using the stairs is one area of the home that can be very dangerous. However, investing in mobility aids such as a stairlift can reduce your risk of falling and make you feel more comfortable. Mobility aids are there to improve your safety and making the investment can help you to live independently without the worry of using the stairs.

Here at Alfix, our stairlifts have helped clients across the country improve the safety of their home. We have solutions to fit all types of homes whether you’re short on space or need a product that accommodates a curved staircase. With warranty options of up to 5 years, our products will provide long-term support so you can remain independent. Get in touch with us today for more information.