Tips To Avoid Injury For Seniors

While many don’t like to think about it, the risk of injury when you grow old increases exponentially. This is mainly due to balance problems, muscle weakness and vision loss which can lead to strains, breaks and other injuries more easily.

Here are some tips to avoid injury for seniors.

Don’t Push Yourself While Exercising

Make sure you don’t push yourself too hard when you’re exercising, as this is a common way to injure yourself. Ease into workouts, especially if it’s been a while since you have done that specific exercise. If you feel like you’re pushing yourself too hard, it’s better to ease off than keep going and injure yourself.

The best way to stay safe while exercising is to make sure you do a proper warm-up each time, stretching and easing your body into the future exercise you may be doing. While you don’t want to push yourself too hard, you also want to ensure you stay as active as you can. If you stop moving and keep quite sedentary, your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments can become weaker and less flexible.

Have A Physical

Properly ascertain the condition of your body by making an appointment with your doctor. They can make sure you’re in the best physical condition you are, highlight any problems you may be facing and even suggest some other tips that will help you to avoid an injury.

A lot of young people avoid going to the doctor with a problem, but as you age you should ensure you book a visit if you think anything is wrong, as the issue is more likely to develop further if you’re older.

Install A Stairlift

As you get older, the stairs may become more difficult to manage. While you can persevere and keep trying to climb them, this puts you at a higher risk of falling over onto them or falling backwards and down the stairs. Many seniors begin to use canes and walkers to help them get around as they get older, but sometimes the stairs can be hard to manage even with assistive devices.

You can avoid this risk by getting a stairlift installed. You can still walk around your house and get plenty of exercise this way, but having an easier way to get up the stairs changes a lot of seniors’ lives.

Stairlifts From Alfix

If you’re in the market for a stairlift in your home, get in touch with the experts at Alfix today. We supply brand new stairlifts to you, as well as rent out stairlifts to those who only need them temporarily. We’ll even come to your home for a free consultation, to assess your space and see what kind of solution will suit you the best.

Give us a call today on 01926 334848 to talk through your requirements and book a consultation today.