Celebrating National Senior Independence Month: What Can You Do for Your Relative?

February is National Senior Independence month! Okay… technically this isn’t national to us, as it’s observed in the States, but we think it’s still the perfect excuse to treat your senior relative. Life in your elderly years can be lonely and frustrating in many ways, so show your elderly relatives some extra attention and affection this February. 

We’ve listed some things you can do for them to brighten their days. Read on below to see our advice. 

Stay in Touch More 

As we’ve said, life as a senior can be incredibly lonely – especially for those who’ve lost a lifelong partner and now live alone. If this is the case for your relative, then we know that they would greatly appreciate any quality time they could spend with you, whether that be as simple as a phone call or visiting them for tea. 

If you know that you don’t stay in touch enough, then try and make an effort this month to reach out at least once a week to check in on your loved one and let them know you’re thinking of them. If they don’t live locally to you, then perhaps introduce them to modern technology by encouraging them to invest in a smartphone, tablet or laptop. 

Not only does this offer an additional way to stay connected with them and allows you to see each other without actually being together in person, but there are plenty more associated benefits of becoming IT savvy for elders

Take Them Out on a Day Trip 

A day trip is the perfect way to treat your elderly relative, especially if they don’t get out that much. Whether you take them on a local outing or travel slightly further afield, day trips are great for spending quality time together and creating meaningful memories, whilst allowing your relative to experience a different and stimulating environment. 

Some ideas of places you could visit include: 

  • National Trust properties 
  • Museums 
  • The beach 
  • Gardens and parks 
  • Afternoon tea 

Help Make their Home Mobility Friendly 

If you feel bad that you’re too busy to help your elderly relative with certain tasks they may find difficult, then you can instead help them by finding and introducing them to solutions that encourage their independence, rather than hinder it. 

For example, if they find it difficult or painful to walk up steps due to sore joints and/or arthritis, then there are certain measures that can be implemented throughout the home to combat this. Firstly, if they have steps leading up to their front door, these could be replaced with a slope and handrail, making it easier for them to leave and enter their home. 

Next, you could suggest changing their bathroom to a wet room, allowing them to maintain their personal hygiene with more comfort and ease. Lastly, you could arrange for a stairlift installation. Stairlifts offer a safe and convenient solution for accessing the upper level of a home, without causing pain to your senior relative or putting them at risk of a fall. 

By adopting these suggestions, you can show your elderly loved ones you care this February. For home stairlifts in Leamington, then get in touch with us here at Alfix. We offer both new and reconditioned stairlifts in Leamington and across the country.