How Long Does Stairlift Installation Take?

When you’re experiencing mobility issues, there comes a time where you’ll consider getting a home stair lift. It solves the issue of getting up and down your stairs, while making sure you can do it with ease.

This will naturally lead to you finding a stairlifts company to get one and have it installed. Before you do this, you could have a few questions. One of the more notable is how long a stairlift installation takes.

While it should be a quick and easy process, there are several things you’ll need to be aware of before getting it done. These could affect how long it’ll take to get your stairlift installed, making it worth being aware of.

What’s Involved In An Installation?

A stairlift installation usually involves a stairlifts company taking measurements of your stairs before giving you a quote on the project. The cost of the home stairlift itself will be factored into this. You’ll also have it installed at a date that suits you, especially given the fact it takes a few hours.

Before installing, you’ll need to make sure the area itself is clean. The stairlift installation itself typically involves placing and securing the brackets along the walls before then mounting the stairlift itself.

These will be secured with screws, and it shouldn’t do any damage to your walls or other areas. It also won’t affect the staircase itself, as there’ll be a gap between them and the staircase.

How Long Does Stairlift Installation Take?

How long a stairlift installation takes depends on multiple factors, such as whether you’re getting a straight or curved home stairlift. High-quality experts should be able to do all of this quickly and easily, but there’ll still be a difference in timing with them.

Generally, a straight stairlift shouldn’t take longer than two hours. It shouldn’t take too long, as there aren’t any curves or turns to worry about, so it’ll be quite straightforward. A curved stairlift, however, will take noticeably longer.

Typically, these will take between three and five hours because of the complications involved in these stairlifts. These options are usually more bespoke than straight staircases, as no two curves will be identical. The curvature of the stairlift needs to match the curvature of the stairs.

While the stairlift installation is the bulk of the work, it isn’t over when it’s installed. Instead, there’ll also be a demonstration of how it works. You should keep this in mind and expect it to take a little time.

Get Your Home Stairlift Today

Getting a home stairlift installed shouldn’t be a complicated process, and only takes a few hours. You’ll need to make sure you hire the right stairlifts company to do it for you. Some will take shortcuts to get it done faster, which could lead to you needing multiple stairlift repairs.

Avoid that by choosing Alfix Stairlifts for your stairlift installation. Our qualified and experienced expertswork with you to choose the perfect option for your home while carrying out all work to the highest standards.

Call us on 01926 334848 to get started on the process.