Why You Should Choose a Stair Lift Over a Bungalow

When you enter your retirement years, you may find that your mobility starts to reduce and certain movements become more difficult than before – particularly walking up the stairs. It’s for this reason that bungalows prove so popular with elderly people, but is this the most sensible decision to make?

Read our guide to learn why investing in a stair lift is much more practical than upping and moving to a bungalow.


Whilst it can be appreciated that bungalows are favoured for their ease of accessibility, with everything you require being on one level, stair lifts can offer the same convenience and independence with a much faster turnaround.

Getting a stair lift installed in your home is the quickest and easiest option to take when you wish for a solution to having a more accessible home. After an initial assessment, determining the most suitable stair lift for you in relation to your space and budget, you will find that you can get a stair lift installed in a matter of days or weeks at most.

This is much faster than the process of moving to a whole new property, not to mention much less hassle as well. The process of moving is hard enough as it is, let alone when you’re at an age where packing/unpacking, driving and carrying heavy boxes is harder than it used to be. The time, effort and costs this would entail do not weigh out the inconvenience in comparison to the process of having a stair lift installed.


When you’ve lived in a particular home for many years, you tend to grow an attachment to it. You will have made many memories in it and spent time decorating it to your taste, truly making it yours and creating a space that you feel comfortable in.

It can be incredibly hard to let this go, understandably, and whilst you would be able to take your belongings with you, were you to move into a bungalow it would not hold the same sentimental value as your current home.

We can’t stress how important it is to be in a familiar and comfortable environment when you are elderly. Being in a new place all of a sudden can feel alienating and have severe impacts on your mental and physical health. Stair lifts allow you to stay where you are most comfortable.


There is no doubt about it that stair lifts are by far cheaper than buying or renting a bungalow. The average price of new domestic stair lifts ranges between £2,000-£4,000 depending on your home, needs and the type of stair lift, with others being less or more expensive. You also have the option of purchasing a reconditioned stair lift, which are cheaper than brand new ones yet still safe and reliable.

There also tends to be financing options for stair lifts – you may be able to rent one if you do not wish to pay such a sum of money outright.

If you are looking for a reputable company selling local stairlifts in Gloucester, then you need Alfix. We offer both new and reconditioned stair lifts to buy or rent across Gloucester and other areas in the South. For your free, no obligation consultation email us today at mail@alfixstair lifts.com, alternatively you can phone us on 01926 334848.